Cheap Motorcycle Saddlebags that work GREAT! (with a couple Mods) || Suzuki DR350 Dual Sport

Описание к видео Cheap Motorcycle Saddlebags that work GREAT! (with a couple Mods) || Suzuki DR350 Dual Sport

Here I show you my new Stansport Canvas Motorcycle Saddlebags and the Modifications I've made to make them awesome. These are some very in-expensive Saddlebags that cost me only $14.91 at Amazon. Although the price has gone up to just over $20 since I bought them, they are still a great deal. With the modifications I've made, I just love them and they have been working very good for me. They are light-weight, quick and easy to take off and on and don't need a frame. One down-side is they are not waterproof so if you need that these probably aren't for you. But with some good waterproofing spray they can be water-resistant.

Here is a link to them on Amazon:



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