Modeling enteric nervous system using organoids to study motility and functional GI disorders

Описание к видео Modeling enteric nervous system using organoids to study motility and functional GI disorders

ANMS Basic Concepts in Neurogastroenterology on Modeling enteric nervous system using organoids to study motility and functional GI disorders

Wednesday, October 18, 2023 - 3 pm PT/5 pm CT/6 pm ET

Moderators: Brian Gulbransen, PhD and Robert Heuckeroth, MD, PhD

Faranak Fattahi, PhD - University of California San Francisco
Derivation of ENS models from hPSCs for modeling and treatment of DGBIs

Maxime M. Mahe, PhD - INSERM and Cincinnati Children's Medical Center
Use of of hPSC-derived intestinal organoids to study the development and function of the ENS


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