The Anatomy of Intimacy | Alisha Lockley | TEDxFSCJ

Описание к видео The Anatomy of Intimacy | Alisha Lockley | TEDxFSCJ

It seems as though our world is striving to become less personal. It's as if we as a society are in a constant search of new ways to become more and more detached from one another. We subconsciously create disposable resources out of one another because we don’t truly understand the relationship all of us share. There is always a connecting point/relationship because people can not be anything less than strangers to one another. Through candid, artful, and honest expression we can make an impact that allows this generation, and generations to come, to be bravely open with less fear of rejection, loneliness, and emptiness. We can individually be "sanctuaries" if we allow ourselves to be vulnerable, to be close, and to be touched.

Alisha Lockley is no stranger to
ministry nor the artistic commu-
nity. Family members noticed
her peculiar gift for expression
early on. The Douglas Ander-
son School of the Arts graduate
(performance theatre major)
began writing poetry in elemen-
tary school, became the vice
president of Morning Dove Cen-
ter for Teen Girls at the age of
12, and started performing spo-
ken word poetry professionally
at the age of 17. She has also
been published in two antholo-
gies of poetic works. With the
sharing of her gift for expres-
sion, she hopes to uplift, incite
conviction, and to exude a pres-
ence of grace that is timeless.
On May 7th 2015 Alisha gradu-
ated from Florida State College at Jacksonville. In August she will be a stu- dent at the University of North Florida, majoring in Business Management/ minoring in Performance Theatre.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


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