गर्भावस्था में बच्चा कब घूमना चालू करता है || Baby Movements during pregnancy || Dr Neeraj Pahlajani

Описание к видео गर्भावस्था में बच्चा कब घूमना चालू करता है || Baby Movements during pregnancy || Dr Neeraj Pahlajani

गर्भावस्था एक ऐसा दौर है जहां मां की चिंताओं का कोई अंत नहीं होता है। महिलाएं हमेशा चिन्ता ग्रसित रहती हैं कि उनका आने वाला बच्चा स्‍वस्‍थ है या नहीं। बच्‍चे के स्‍वास्‍थ्‍य का पता उसके किक मारने से भी लगाया जा सकता है। अगर आप प्रेगनेंट हैं तो आपको बेबी किक से जुड़ी कुछ बातों के बारे में पता होना चाहिए।
वैसे तो गर्भावस्था के शुरुआती चरण यानी कि 12वे हफ्ते से ही बच्चा हलचल करना शुरू कर देता है, यदि आप दूसरी बार माँ बन रही हैं, तो आप 16 से 18 हफ्तों के बीच शिशु का हिलना-डुलना महसूस करना शुरु कर सकती हैं। यदि आपकी दूसरी गर्भावस्था में शिशु की हलचल पहली गर्भावस्था की तुलना में जल्दी महसूस न हो, तो भी चिंता न करें। यह हर महिला के साथ अलग-अलग होता है। 20वे हफ्ते के दौरान बच्चों को कम पिच की आवाजें सुनाई देने लगती हैं, जिससे बच्चा पेट के अंदर अपनी हलचल बढ़ा देता है।

#babymovements #ExpectingParents #PrenatalBondingDr. Neeraj Pahlajani is a renowned specialist in the field of high-risk pregnancy and fertility, offering her patients a unique blend of expert clinical care and personal attention. With over 16 years of experience, she has established herself as one of the leading doctors in her field and has helped numerous patients from around the world to achieve their dream of starting a family.

As a dedicated professional, Dr. Pahlajani works tirelessly to ensure that her patients receive the highest quality of care possible. She is well known for her compassion and commitment to each and every one of her patients, and takes great pride in the results that she has achieved through her years of hard work and dedication.

At Pahlajanis' Women's Hospital in Raipur, India, Dr. Pahlajani leads a team of highly skilled and experienced medical professionals who are dedicated to helping people complete their families through fertility treatment. The hospital offers a wide range of services, including IVF treatment, IUI treatment, ICSI, PESA, and TESA, and is equipped with the latest technology and equipment to provide the best possible outcomes for each and every patient.

If you're looking for a doctor who can provide you with the highest quality care and support, look no further than Dr. Neeraj Pahlajani. With her extensive experience and commitment to her patients, she is the ideal choice for anyone looking to start or expand their family. So why wait? Book your appointment today and take the first step towards bringing the joy of parenthood into your home

For any women's health related queries, please call or email us.
Email- [email protected]
Website- www.pahlajanis.com
Contact No. - 9171234901
Address- Pahlajanis' Women's Hospital, Anupam Nagar, Near T.V. Tower, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India. 492007

#Pregnancy #WomensHealth #ReproductiveHealth

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