#1 GMAT Critical Reasoning Trick: What's the Question?

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In "#1 GMAT Critical Reasoning Trick: What's the Question?", Erika John from PrepScholar GMAT walks through her top trick for avoiding classic wrong answer traps on Critical Reasoning GMAT questions.

An incredibly common trap that test takers fall into on GMAT Critical Reasoning problems is answering the wrong question. Like Reading Comprehension wrong answer traps are designed to mimic the wrong part of the passage, GMAT Critical Reasoning wrong answer traps are designed to answer good questions about the passage and its topics, but not the question that is actually being asked. This is further complicated by the fact that many Critical Reasoning GMAT questions are written using confusing or vague language that require interpretation to figure out exactly what you're supposed to be looking for. So how can we be sure to answer the right question on GMAT Critical Reasoning problems?

The solution is to spend more time figuring out what the question is actually asking by putting the question into your own words, making sure to clarify any vague language by looking back at the passage. Erika demonstrates how to do this step-by-step using a real GMAT Critical Reasoning problem and shows how this helps avoid tempting wrong answer traps.

For more quick Verbal tips, check out the videos for our #1 Reading Comprehension Trick (    • #1 GMAT Reading Comprehension Trick: ...   ) and our #1 Sentence Correction Trick (    • How to Find Hidden Errors in GMAT Sen...   )!


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