Mix cola and white vinegar and you won't believe the amazing result!!!!

Описание к видео Mix cola and white vinegar and you won't believe the amazing result!!!!

If you have been washing the sink with harmful chemicals and the stains remain, watch this video until the end.

In this video, I will teach you how to clean and descale the sink with simple and affordable materials, better than any cleaner and descaler, so that it shines like the first day and is clean and new.
Just prepare black soda, white vinegar, baking soda and dishwashing liquid and do these wonderful tricks.
1) Pour half a pint of black soda into a container and pour the same amount of white vinegar
2) Add a tablespoon of baking soda and stir until smooth
3) At the end, pour half a cup of dishwashing liquid and stir
4) Pour the solution in the sink, wait a little and then wash and rinse

If you know another trick, write to us and tell us your opinion about our video😍
To see the video Apply toothpaste to a kitchen knife, I didn't expect it to be so powerful!! Click on the link below 😍👇👇👇
   • Apply toothpaste to a kitchen knife, ...  
To see the video Put Cloves in a LEMON!! You Will Not Believe The Incredible Result!! Click on the link below 😍👇👇👇
   • Put Cloves in a LEMON!! You Will Not ...  
Hello, my name is sarah
and I teach you interesting housekeeping and cleaning tricks on my channel Every day I film new housekeeping tips and practical tricks for you.😍
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