CZ 457 MTR Build Head Space Shimmed for Eley

Описание к видео CZ 457 MTR Build Head Space Shimmed for Eley

This CZ 457 MTR is fitted with a 26" Lilja Match barrel.
Headspace was set at .040" with a .003" shim on the tenon.
The bolt face depth was measured at 1.238". An attempt was made to shim the headspace to .038" but bolt would not close. If went to .039" head space there may be a bit of 'crush' on the rim, therefore .040" was chosen and works well. As seen in the video a Forster .043" 'Go' gauge was tested for bolt closure. It would not. So this rifle is committed to Eley products which was the desired outcome. The hope is a bit 'tighter' Match chamber translating to increased accuracy.
The first 50 rounds had no failure to feed or failure to eject.
Two 457 MTR's were put together. One with headspace for Eley for myself, the other with headspace (.043") set for Lapua for a friend.
Todays outing is first time on the range for the Eley headspaced MTR.
Both have the 26" Lilja Match barrel. Both have a JARD 3 ounce trigger. Both have placed a 3" front bag rest adapter from, under Lithgow LA 101 listings.
The winds today were very mild with occasional light gusts. The range is a dedicated 50 yards. Avian fauna were out in numbers early this morning.
I suspect this build will become very accurate with barrel fouling and finding its preferred Eley ammunition.


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