Bob the Science Guy THANK YOU !

Описание к видео Bob the Science Guy THANK YOU !

Just a short video I put together thanking those that have helped me making 'Bob the Science Guy' push 10,000 subscribers in less than 6 months.

I talk about my influences, my opponents, my fans and the artists that have supported the channel. Thank you ALL !!!

  / bobthe_guy   follow me on TWITTER

Music by Bob Dylan and Jamie Dupuis
Vocals and Lyrics by Canadian Thomas

   / wolfie6020  

Critical Think
   / @criticalthink  

Dang JOS
   / dangjos  

Sly Sparkane
   / @slysparkane808  

Miles Davis
   / @milesdaviskdab  

   / @scimandan  

Conspiracy Catz
   / @conspiracytoonz  

Canadian Thomas
   / canadianthomasb  

  / declan6914  

Jamie Dupuis
   / jamiedupuisacoustic  

Bob's Websites Check them OUT:

  / bobthescienceguy
  / bobthescienceguymichigan  
  / bobthe_guy  


What can I say, he has 275K subscribers and is one of the most popular debunkers on YouTube.
   / @scimandan  

Wolfie is the reason I got into the debunking/science/aviation community, great sense of humor and well made videos that make the complex simple.
   / @wolfie6020  

Team Skeptic-
Great Science, his debunking style is edgier than mine. If you like astronomy, science and live debates, check him out!
   / @teamskeptic  

FTFE/Fight the Flat Derp-
Physics and Humor, doesn't tolerate fools and frequently has live debates. Tell him Bob sent you!
   / @ftfeofficial  

Conspiracy Catz-
One of my favorite channels and the guy I wish had been my high school physics teacher.
   / @conspiracytoonz  

Started a couple of months after me, style much like mine but more hands on builds. Give him a sub and watch him grow!
   / @bluemarblescience  

I'll be updating this list every month or so and am constantly running across new creators. So check back frequently!

Bob the Science Guy


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