BobBlast 339 - "Why Graphic Design is Important"

Описание к видео BobBlast 339 - "Why Graphic Design is Important"

BobBlast #339
Why Graphic Design is Important

Welcome Back to Another BobBlast!

This last BobBlast of 2020 touches on a very basic Art Subject - Graphic Design. Graphic Design and your painting. It is such a fundamental concept and every freshman in art school is required to study Color and Design first - BEFORE starting painting lessons.

Basically, graphic design is how shapes relate to each other; how the positioning of shapes affect the overall mood of the painting; and how "busy areas" and "quiet areas" are considered in making a painting.

I work with twelve popular compositions. But, no matter your style, technique or skill, the graphic design composition you choose can help you clearly communicate your painting's title and theme.

Be sure to watch the video! I demonstrate how I like to practice compositions using a variety of paper shapes. It's playtime! After viewing the different design choices from my Composition Chart, I focus on one - then I goof around with the various ways to increase more interest by the following these steps:

Variety of size, shapes and color
Repetition of shapes and color
Dominant warm or dominant cool creates overall continuity
Study Contrast… Light vs Dark • Warm vs Cool • Large vs Small
Harmony happens when shapes, colors and directions are similar
Center of interest catches the eye… the focal point

Having wall charts and other reminders in my studio are very helpful. They keep me on track and help me focus on what works! Thus the saying, "Chart your course!"
Know before hand where you want your painting to go.

Enjoying watching Bob's Demos?
We have a NEW Monthly Demo - All on ZOOM
Inviting you into Bob’s Studio so you can watch his process at work.
•January 13, 2021 9am - 10:30am PT
“Studio Table Set-up and Warm-Up Painting Exercises”
•February 22, 2021 9am - 10:30am PT
“The Magic Circus - Bob Paints to a Concept & his 5Cs ”
Click here for more info

Want to learn how to "Exaggerate the Perspective"????
We have a new Date Night exploring that subject!
Wednesday, December 30. Sign up now!
Date Night with Bob!
One more Wednesday in December • Saturdays in January
Starts on January 9th
All Zoom Painting Workshops!
Limited to 20 - Click here for more info.

This is what we're up to… Come Join the Fun!
"Zoomin' with Bob!"
Monday & Tuesday, 10-noon PT and 1-3pm PT
Online Workshops in November, December and January
Click here for more information!

•Color Lesson: Making and Using Neutrals in your Painting
January 11-12, 2021

•Paint the Effects of Light
Monday, January 4, 10-noon & 1-3 pm PT
Click here for more information!

•Art Marketing: Make More $$ - The 10 Must-Do's to Sell your Paintings
Saturday, February 6, 12:00-3:00 pm PT

Something New for You! • Burridge Critiques Your Art
Online honest critiques • Private one-on-one
Critiques • Comments • Suggestions
Click here for more information!

New Virtual Juried Show - Details Coming…
•Prospectus available December 28 - One more Week!
•The Theme is “Table Setting"
•Our Juror is Karen Vernon!
•Whole Bunch of Prizes!

Looking forward to seeing your work!


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