Krol - Exhuming Serialist Sonic Sorcery (full album)

Описание к видео Krol - Exhuming Serialist Sonic Sorcery (full album)

1 - Haruspex and Augurs
2 - Surreal Spectral Mist
3 - Oubliette Interlude I
4 - Eltanin Antenna on the Sea Floor
5 - Knotted Locks of Hair, A Stolen Mare, Riding off into Blackness
6 - Oubliette Interlude II
7 - Magical Affliction Under the Ruler of the Kingdom of Air
8 - Oubliette Interlude III
9 - Thistle Whispering in the Wind, the Environment Becomes Adversary

all instruments and voice - Lord Krol


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