RED DWARF | (Professor) Cat: “Soliciumfrankolithicmixyalebidiumrixydixydoxydexydroxide”

Описание к видео RED DWARF | (Professor) Cat: “Soliciumfrankolithicmixyalebidiumrixydixydoxydexydroxide”


Red Dwarf Series VIII Episode 8. Only The Good

Red Dwarf is being destroyed from within by a corrosive microorganism. In order to find the antidote, Kryten has set up a port way to a mirror universe. Rimmer successfully steps through first, but then the mirror solidifies, preventing Kochanski from joining him and Rimmer from returning. Rimmer soon discovers that he is now Captain, a result of the mirror universe. Once he tries to discover what the virus now antidote is called, he speaks with the Professor, who is Cat.

Rather unsurprisingly, I had to research the spelling of the antidote. Both Planet Smeg and Lysator state that as per the description within their scripts.

Cast Members (in this clip, listed in order as per the episode credits):

Arnold Rimmer – Chris Barrie
Cat – Danny John-Jules


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