Fast fashion - Hard facts so you can make informed decisions that are in-line with your values.

Описание к видео Fast fashion - Hard facts so you can make informed decisions that are in-line with your values.

"By thinking of the garments we wear as short term tools rather than long term investments, we contribute to wasteful consumption patterns that inevitably lead us towards drastic climate change." Unsure

12 hard facts:
1. “Clothing production is the third biggest manufacturing industry after the automotive and technology industries. Textile production contributes more to climate change than international aviation and shipping combined” (House of Common Environmental Audit Committee, 2019)

2. “More than $500 billion of value is lost every year due to clothing underutilization and the lack of recycling” (Ellen MacArthur Foundation, 2017)

3. “Fast fashion brands use open-loop production cycles that pollute water and land” (The New York Times, 2019)

4. “The fashion industry is responsible for 8% of carbon emissions” (UN Environment, 2019)

5. “The textile sector still represents 10 to 20 percent of pesticide use.” The State of Fashion, McKinsey, 2020)

6. “The average American throws away around 81 pounds of clothing yearly” (Saturday Evening Post, 2018)

7. “68% of fast fashion brands don’t maintain gender equality at production facilities” (Ethical Fashion Guide, 2019)

8. “The effort that fast fashion brands put into sustainable production measures is decreasing” (Global Fashion Agenda, 2019)

9. “Less than 11% of brands are implementing recycling strategies for their items” (Peppermint Magazine, 2019)

10. “Three out of five fast fashion items end up in a landfill” (Clean Clothes Campaign, 2019)

11. “Washing, solvents, and dyes used in manufacturing are responsible for one-fifth of industrial water pollution” (McKinsey, 2020)

12. “63% of textile fibers are derived from petrochemicals” (Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018)


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