Is Your Ear Infection More Serious Than You Think? Discover the Hidden Dangers of CSOM

Описание к видео Is Your Ear Infection More Serious Than You Think? Discover the Hidden Dangers of CSOM

🎧 Struggling with Chronic Ear Issues? 🎧

Dr. Anand from Coimbatore explains CSOM (Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media) – a condition that can cause ear infections, water leakage, pain, and hearing loss.

Ignoring it may lead to severe complications like ear bone damage or even reaching the brain!

🧠🤯 If you've noticed dandruff, swelling, or discomfort in your ears, it's time to take action! 💥 Don’t rely on just drops, seek professional help."

👨‍⚕️ Stay safe, protect your hearing!

👉 Visit today!

#EarCare #CSOMAwareness #HealthyHearing #ENTSpecialist #TakeAction #PreventComplications #anandhospitals #dranand #coimbatore.


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