Taking apart my 1998 Subaru Impreza 2.5RS EJ25d Engine

Описание к видео Taking apart my 1998 Subaru Impreza 2.5RS EJ25d Engine

In todays video we take apart the EJ25d that belongs to my 2.5RS restoration car and really start to find out what kind of condition the engine is in. Disassembling the Engine was not hard and only took about 5 hours. it has 190k miles and I have zero knowledge of previous maintenance or repair. it has only been started 1 time in the past 5 years and that was during the collaboration with WD detailing at there shop! for those of you who follow my channel I really messed up and made this video way to long to drop all at once so I am going to be making part 2 and posting that tomorrow for a Subaru Sunday!! that is the first time we are going to try that out and I cant wait to see the results and how the video performs! I do have the entire engine apart at this point and I think you will want to stay tuned until tomorrow to find out what the condition the engine is in. thank you for tuning in to this weeks Subaru Saturday and I hope that you enjoy!

   • EJ25 Engine Disassembly Timelapse. Th...  

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