5 Things to Know about Urticaria | - Dr. Divya Sharma|Doctors' Circle

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Dr. Divya Sharma | Appointment booking number: 96206 38388
Consultant Dermatologist and Cosmetologist | Dr. Divya's Skin & Hair Solutions, Bangalore
Urticaria is the appearance of tender red swellings which is known as hives. It is acute, if it lasts less than 6 week and if it is chronic if it lasts more than 6 weeks Number 3, Urticaria can have various causes. In some it can be due to pressure, in some it can come if the core temperature of the body is more. In some patients it can come when they come in contact with something cold. It can be due to worm infestation it could also be a sign of atopy and it can also be suffering from a throat infection or diarrhea. Number 4 , it can be idiopathic or without any reasons. Such patients may require testing to rule out autoimmune causes as well. Number 5, Urticaria is definitely something which is not dangerous and the symptoms can be controlled with the right medication. Patients panic thinking they are suffering with some kid of allergy and in such case where Urticaria is idiopathic, it doesn’t mean you are sick or getting sick with something grievous. Urticaria is a contemporary of allergic rhinitis, or a sneezing or a wheezing, the symptoms of which can be under control and over a period of time, they can be managed and we have seen patients getting compelled. Please consult your dermatologist of you are suffering from hives.


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