A Simple Way To Protect Yourself From Punches - Brad Dotten PWAS GATHERING

Описание к видео A Simple Way To Protect Yourself From Punches - Brad Dotten PWAS GATHERING

When it comes to self-defense, flashy moves may look cool, but they often don't work in high-stress situations. Your fine motor skills can go out the window, leaving you with only the simple reactions you've trained for. Brad Dotten, a Loss Prevention & Security instructor with over 20 years of real-world experience, knows how to teach people to handle threats in high-stress situations. In this video, he demonstrates what he teaches people with little to no martial arts experience on how to defend against someone trying to punch you. It's all about building simple reactions through training and relying on them when you need them the most. So, forget about the flashy moves and focus on the basics to defend yourself effectively.

Find Brad Here: https://www.ronincombatives.com/


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