Embedding WPE WebKit - from Bring-up to Maintenance

Описание к видео Embedding WPE WebKit - from Bring-up to Maintenance

Embedded devices have become powerful enough to run Web content a decade ago,
and any modern SoC that can run Linux and includes a GPU is a potential
candidate to hide a Web engine under the surface. How did it made it there?
Does it only show Web content? What else can it do? The talk will cover
bring-up tips to build and get WPE WebKit working on your custom embedded
device and make your own simple Web browser, as well as the best practices for
keeping the system up to date. No less important is integration with the rest
of the system: this session will detail the possibilities that WebKit brings to
the table, including how to add new JavaScript APIs which call into native code
to provide tight, performant access to platform functionality.

Slides available at: https://www.slideshare.net/slideshow/...

(c) Embedded Open Source Summit 2024
April 16-18, 2024
Seattle, Washington (US)


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