Skydiving malfunction, flat spin & cutaway - 360 camera footage

Описание к видео Skydiving malfunction, flat spin & cutaway - 360 camera footage

"What do you do if your parachute doesn't open properly?" This.

Yes, partially it may have been my fault, as I wanted to try out different flare and pull techniques with this Tube 5 tracking suit. And guess what: the classic box position (including an asymmetric pull) is simply not the proper way to handle a suit with such a big surface area. It's simply no classic Phoenix Fly 2-piece TS and symmetrical pull (just like in a wingsuit) works much smoother.

Yet still, the pull was stable, therefore it was (most likely) not the single sole reason for this mess. Another possible factor: During the opening sequence I realized that the parachute was going to turn, therefore I grabbed a riser while the parachute was still inflating and I gave a small input in the opposite direction - which (in retrospective) was maybe a bad idea, as I worked against the canopy's natural movement and basically forced it in a line twist. Maybe. Or maybe not.

Furthermore, the flysight showed me that I still had a horizontal speed of ~68 km/h when the opening started, which may have also affected the opening sequence due to a certain pendulum movement.

By the way: Luckily my canopy and freebag landed 50 meters away from my landing spot - lucky winds that day.

Other facts:
- I pulled in 1100 meters
- my last altitude check was at 830 meters
- cutaway took place at ~780 meters (according to the flysight)
- reserve canopy was fully inflated at 730 meters
- equipment: Javelin Odyssey, Storm 135 (main), Speed 150 (reserve), Skyhook (MARD)


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