The Best Derp Guns with Mailand

Описание к видео The Best Derp Guns with Mailand

Mailand and I played the best tanks with derp guns from tier 2 to tier 10 and had a lot of fun along the way. Enjoy!

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#wot #worldoftanks

0:00 - Intro
3:39 - T3 HMC: Mannerheim Line
11:49 - T6 Medium: Ruinberg
21:14 - T6 Medium: Ruinberg (again)
27:00 - Hetzer: Mannerheim Line
36:09 - KV-1: Westfield
43:45 - Ikv 103: Pearl River
53:09 - KV-2: Studzianki
1:01:05 - VK 28.01 105: Steppes
1:13:02 - Tiger I: Serene Coast
1:18:00 - SU-152: El Halluf
1:24:13 - Comet: Mountain Pass
1:31:13 - Rhm.-Borsig Waffenträger: Safe Haven
1:37:51 - Rhm.-Borsig Waffenträger: Redshire
1:47:45 - T49/WT auf Pz. IV: Mannerheim Line
1:56:55 - M46 Patton: Abbey
2:04:45 - M46 Patton: Pearl River
2:12:46 - Cobra: Studzianki
2:20:00 - Foch 155: Mountain Pass
2:25:46 - Type 5 H: Lakeville
2:32:16 - FV4005: El Halluf
2:39:19 - FV4005: Tundra
2:46:17 - FV4005: Glacier


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