INFJ Fear of Intuition

Описание к видео INFJ Fear of Intuition

INFJ personality types usually have a strong need and desire to connect with intuition, but many INFJ personality types are also scared of connecting with intuition. Much of the time, INFJ personality types are scared that our intuition will tell us something we don’t want to know, or that we are afraid to face. We might also be scared that our intuition will push us into action we don’t feel ready to take yet in our lives.

Most of all, many INFJ personality types are scared that our intuition will turn out to be wrong. We are scared that if we follow our intuition, then things will turn out badly. However, intuition is only wrong when we take the messages we receive and overthink them, because overthinking always complicates things. When we go into overthinking, we get attached to certain outcomes, and we only pay attention to what the mind believes would be the best outcome and what the ego thinks it needs in order to protect itself.

Overthinking for INFJ personality types is such a big problem, because when we go into overthinking, we stop paying attention to the body. Our default reaction when we are scared is to disconnect from body and go deeper into the mind in an attempt to soothe ourselves with the thinking process, and that’s when we completely lose the ability to discern between fear and intuition, because we have no clue how to tell the difference between the two using our feeling.

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