Solo-Sailing: Racing the Mini 6.50 to Menorca

Описание к видео Solo-Sailing: Racing the Mini 6.50 to Menorca

Welcome to the Minizilla YouTube channel! I'm excited to take you on an exhilarating solo sailing adventure aboard my Classe Mini 6.50, Minizilla.
Join me as I embark on a journey from Roses to Menorca, where I'll be participating in a thrilling Classe Mini regatta between Menorca and Mallorca. Along the way, I'll be sailing through the night, navigating tough seas, and experiencing the thrill of fast sailing.
Watch as I prepare Minizilla for the Classe Mini conformity inspection, ensuring she's race-ready. Subscribe and sail along for stunning views, intense racing, and the true spirit of solo regatta sailing!

🎵 Music licensed from Lickd. The biggest mainstream and stock music platform for content creators
Synchronicity 10 (60) by Joe Henson, Alexis Smith, License ID: lN7dOX9Z8QO

Alarm (Instrumental) by Anne-Marie,!minizil... License ID: bKVrPR6ReNQ

Synchronicity 10 (60) by Joe Henson, Alexis Smith, License ID: nj79nJ9j2KZ

Cool Power by Darren Leigh Purkiss, License ID: NlaLybe80MZ

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