antm cycle 4 finale winner

Описание к видео antm cycle 4 finale winner

antm cycle 4 anounce the winner
naima mora win
Kahlen Rondot runner up
tyra banks anounce the winner of americas next top model cycle 4
season 4 final

episode finale fade out

information season 4
model win the competition-naima mora
model runner up-Kahlen Rondot
model with transformation- naima mora
model do history in antm-Tiffany Richardson
model made all stars- brittany browner

models season 4
Naima Mora Kahlen Rondot Brita Petersons, Sarah Dankleman, Brandy Rusher, Noelle Staggers, Lluvy Gomez, Rebecca Epley, Tiffany Richardson, Tatiana Dante, Michelle Deighton, Christina Murphy, Brittany Brower, Keenyah Hill


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