The Secrets of the Orphic Mysteries

Описание к видео The Secrets of the Orphic Mysteries

What were the Orphic mysteries? Orpheus was a mythical singer of Thracian origin. He beguiled animals and plants and inanimate nature with his enchanting music. He even tried to enchant Hades in order to retrieve retrieve his wife Eurydice from unending death in the underworld. As the possessor of secret knowledge from the land of the dead, Orpheus was the originator of mysteries which are largely similar to those of the Pythagoreans. In addition, Orpheus plays an important role in the Bacchic Dionysia as a prophet and founder of the cult.

Here, we look at Orpheus' myths as well as some of the early evidence for the Orphic mysteries: the bone plates at Olbia and the Lycurgeia by Aeschylus.

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0:00 - 0:50 Intro.
0:51 - 1:45 The shaman from Thrace.
1:46 - 2:19 Orpheus and Eurydice.
2:20 - 2:52 The death of Orpheus.
2:53 - 3:30 Orpheus and Pythagoras.
3:31 - 4:24 Aeschylus’ Lycurgeia.
4:25 - 6:06 W.C.K. Guthrie vs. M.L. West, panorphist vs sceptic.
6:07 - 6:42 Extant texts: the Orphic hymns and the Rhapsodic Theogony.
6:43 - 7:14 Conclusion and outro.


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