Cape Craft School - Campus Opening February 2026

Описание к видео Cape Craft School - Campus Opening February 2026

Cape Craft School: an initiative to create an academy for high school graduates to learn a series of sustainable crafts and business skills. Enabling them to enter viable and sustainable employment, and ideally to go into their communities and set up small enterprises, employing a small team and creating a micro economy. At the same time setting up an initiative servicing this micro economy; creating a fully fledged sales and commercial platform with international exposure for the craftspeople and buying opportunities for the international community.

The initiative was born of the estimation that each salary paid in South Africa supports about 5 people, and the firm belief that by creating micro pockets of education and growth, a society can transform from within. High school graduates in South Africa have very little further educational opportunities, and this initiative would give them the opportunity to learn applicable skills and crafts that could be implemented in a business on a grassroots level.

The concept is to educate 200 students per annum in a usable craft and skill. These students would be empowered to enter their communities creating 3-5 jobs and create a ground roots transformation. Each year this could impact the lives of 2,500 people living in low income or poverty environments. We envisage that the most successful graduates would be able to build and scale their enterprise, as there is an in-built alumni network of skilled workmen who they could employ. The school will set up continued mentoring programmes, online sales platforms, international exposure, and a continual marketplace for the crafts created by the alumni.


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