[069] - Magna Carta 2 - 100% Guide

Описание к видео [069] - Magna Carta 2 - 100% Guide

After you've defeated the Highwind Island Juto, take the teleporter after saving at the pillar. We'll be switched to the outside team as we've cleared the first part of his mind. We'll need to take care of Juto's loneliness before switching back to Zephie, Rue and Juto. When you defeat all the enemies, you will be rewarded with a [Kan Blessing Kamond].

Back in Juto's mind, it now switches back to the part of Juto's mind where he was Elgar. Just like the Highwind Island Juto, he won't recognize us and we'll have to fight him.

We only just fought Elgar a little while ago... so it's the exact same as before. He has got the same moves, and his stats are still fairly high.. (although not as high as before, for our sake). Utilize chaining, healing and item throwing to win.

After Elgar's defeat, head into the portal to go back to your other team. Outside, the group will face Juto's panic. This is the last time using this team, and when you defeat this emotion you will receive a [Warrior's Roar Kamond], and an [Iron Fist] weapon for Crocell.

Back in Juto's mind, we'll get some flashbacks with Schuenzeit before actually having to fight him. And here I thought we would totally get off totally scot free without having to fight him... but I was wrong. In terms of strategy, spam items when needed, heal if you don't have items and equip items or accessories to protect you against the burn/fever status effects. Oh, and chain lots too of course.

After we defeat Schuenzeit, Juto foils his entire plan of having amnesia when he blurts out Zephie's name. I hope you didn't use all of your items in the last battle because now we have another!


Strategy for Juto:

- Well, this sucks. You've just lost Juto and you're left with Zephie and Rue. Additionally, if you lose this fight, you'll have to start back before the Schuenzeit battle and Juto's mind gives you no opportunity to grind or anything.

- I prefer to use Shurikens with Rue and not her Katana. The reason for this is that Juto is a close range attacker. If you try and go toe to toe with him with either Rue or Zephie he'll probably slaughter you. Neither girl has the defense for it. Use Rue's speed to your advantage. She is much faster than Juto and should be the one you manually control and use to attack. Attack Juto, chain (if possible), run away, rinse and repeat.

- With Rue running all over the battlefield like a chicken with her head cut off, hopefully Zephie will have the smarts to heal you and to throw in a few hits on the side as well. If not, don't depend on her at all and use Rue entirely. If you get far enough away from Juto, you should be able to use an item without having him catch up to you.

- He can't inflict any sort of status effects on you as far as I know. This battle is just long and tedious.


Congratulations! You've finished the last boss in Juto's mind.


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