TKG+|鏡墨・流白 林炳存個展|開幕花絮

Описание к видео TKG+|鏡墨・流白 林炳存個展|開幕花絮

展期 Dates|2020/08/01-2020/09/12
舉辦單位 Organizer|TKG+
地點 Venue|台北市瑞光路548巷15號3樓
3F, No.15, Ln. 548, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu Dist., Taipei 114, Taiwan

TKG+ 榮幸舉辦亞洲知名時尚攝影師林炳存個展「鏡墨・流白」。有別於大眾較為熟知的風景與時尚人像攝影展出,此次為林炳存融貫抽象與水墨形意的黑白女體攝影系列首度發表,讓觀眾得以一窺這位攝影大師在講求精細校準的西方攝影術中,如何融合東方感性寫意的水墨語彙,將人像攝影轉譯為詩性的「光影潑墨」。

TKG+ is pleased to present the solo exhibition "Flux of Shadows" by internationally renowned fashion photographer Joshua Lin. The exhibition takes place at the gallery space in Neihu from August 1 to September 12, 2020. It is the first public showcase of Lin’s series of black-and-white nude photography. This series seamlessly blends the language of abstraction with an ink art aesthetics. Lin combines the precision of Western photography with the visual style belonging only to ink art, contributing to a unique poetics. Lin’s practice transcends portrait photography into an interplay of light and shadows which is reminiscent of splashed ink landscape painting. The exhibition presents a rare opportunity to examine Lin’s oeuvre outside his more widely known commercial practice of landscape, portraiture, and fashion photography.



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