12 Best Action JRPGs of 2023-2024 that will satisfy you!

Описание к видео 12 Best Action JRPGs of 2023-2024 that will satisfy you!

Action JRPGs have been on the rise in the past few years with more and more games adopting the action combat formula, so we've put together a list of 12 Action JRPGs from 2023 and 2024 that have super satisfying and engaging combat, so check it out!

00:00 Intro
00:41 Granblue Fantasy: Relink - PS4, PS5, GeForce Now, PC
01:26 Ys X: Nordics - PS4, PS5, Switch (2023), PC (2024)
02:26 CRYMACHINA - PS4, PS5, PC, Switch
03:21 Like a Dragon: The Man Who Erased His Name - PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PC
04:31 The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom - Switch
05:23 Visions of Mana - PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X|S, GeForce Now, PC
06:24 FINAL FANTASY VII Rebirth - PS5 (2024), PC (2025)
07:25 FINAL FANTASY XVI - PS5 (2023), PC (2024)
08:21 Dragon's Dogma II - PS5, Xbox Series X|S, GeForce Now, PC
09:12 Fate/Samurai Remnant - PS4, PS5, PC, Switch
10:26 Star Ocean The Second Story R - PS4, PS5, GeForce Now, PC, Switch
11:32 Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty - PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox Cloud Gaming, PC
12:34 Conclusion

#jrpg #actionrpg #ys #finalfantasy #granbluefantasy #wolongfallendynasty #dragonsdogma2 #fatesamurairemnant #starocean #tearsofthekingdom #likeadragon #crymachina #visionsofmana


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