Travel Tips Samoa- Part 1 : Samoa Markets, Lalomanu & Cave Pools (Travel Tips)

Описание к видео Travel Tips Samoa- Part 1 : Samoa Markets, Lalomanu & Cave Pools (Travel Tips)


From Auckland to Apia and from Beyonce to the bush, Mario takes on an intrepid journey around his home island Upolu, Samoa. The two-part travel guide will school on some wicked places to check out when visiting the heart of Polynesia.
Part II brings us more sights and sounds of Apia/Upolu, kickin' it off with the local favourite 'Papase'ea Sliding Rocks'. We visit the beautiful waters of To Sua and finally the hot spots in Apia city with cool places to hang, have a boogie or a nice cold Vailima after a long day of laxin'.

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