✅Day 6 | LeetCode 1235. Maximum Profit in Job Scheduling | Problem of the Day

Описание к видео ✅Day 6 | LeetCode 1235. Maximum Profit in Job Scheduling | Problem of the Day

🎉 Welcome to another exciting Coding Adventure! 🚀 In this coding tutorial, we're unraveling the intricacies of a powerful algorithm designed to maximize profits in a job scheduling scenario. Join me as we navigate through the steps of solving the "1235. Maximum Profit in Job Scheduling" problem on LeetCode.

🎯 Problem Overview:
Given arrays representing the start times, end times, and profits of jobs, our goal is to find the maximum profit that can be obtained without scheduling overlapping jobs. Each job is scheduled from its start time to end time, and the profit is earned during this duration. The challenge combines sorting and dynamic programming strategies to efficiently determine the optimal solution.

🚀 Algorithm Breakdown:

Data Transformation:

Transform the job information into a vector of tuples, where each tuple contains the endTime, startTime, and profit of a job.
Sort the jobs based on their end times in ascending order.
Dynamic Programming (DP) Array Initialization:

Initialize a dynamic programming array dp with zeros. This array will store the maximum profit at each position.
Iteration Through Jobs:

For each job, calculate the maximum profit considering the current job and the previously processed jobs.
Use upper_bound to find the index of the latest non-conflicting job.
Update DP Array:

Update the dynamic programming array with the maximum profit, considering either skipping the current job or taking it and adding its profit to the maximum profit of the latest non-conflicting job.

The final result is the maximum profit considering all jobs, which is stored in the last position of the dynamic programming array.

📊 Complexity Analysis:

Time Complexity: O(n log n) due to the initial sorting.
Space Complexity: O(n) for the dynamic programming array.

🤓 Learn and Explore:
Embark on a coding journey where we explore algorithmic strategies and problem-solving techniques. We'll break down the logic with clear explanations and practical examples.

🔗 Related Tags:
#leetcode #leetcodedailychallenge #leetcodesolutions #dailyvlog
#AlgorithmExplained #CodingTutorial #ProgrammingLogic
#CodingChallenge #Algorithm #CodingInC++ #ProblemSolving

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