Hu Li'e' Gui'- Jared Borja

Описание к видео Hu Li'e' Gui'- Jared Borja

This one has been a long time coming. It’s so special to witness artists’ talent and passion attest to the mission of Dåndan Mariånas; legacy living on through music, coming together through music, and sharing talent through music.. all while honoring the great artists of the Mariånas. In this case, that great artist is his father; the late +Edward San Nicolas Borja. If his name doesn’t sound familiar, his music sure will. +Edward Borja was the lead singer for the famous group “Kuñados Tinian” alongside his brother in law +Henry Hofschneider.

Carrying on the family legacy, here is Jared Hofschneider Borja singing "Hu Li’e’ Gui’" a song originally written and sung by his dad. A beautiful tribute. Biba Dåndan Mariånas!!!


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