Emperor: Battle For Dune - Skirmish #2 VS 6 Hardest A.I. On Fishers Plain

Описание к видео Emperor: Battle For Dune - Skirmish #2 VS 6 Hardest A.I. On Fishers Plain

This is a skirmish I played with 6 Hardest AI. I personally modded my version of Emperor with 5 mods:

1. Made Hardest Default A.I. TWICE as hard by editing the rules and scripts. The Hard AI now builds units for free as opposed to the default 50% unit cost. Normally the Hard AI produces units at 75% of the normal build speed (means produces faster - normal build speed = 100%) I made it so they now produce at 45%. Also changed AI scripts to make it a lot more challenging and more aggressive play.
2. Made it so I could be the color "red" in skirmish.
3. Edited the campaign game music to play in skirmish mode. Also, Harkonnen Menu music now plays at the default menu.
4. Edited the unit voices instead of the default "Yes?!, At Once!, Yes?! At Once!" - Now plays multiple voice commands as it should have been.
5. Made all subhouse units build slightly faster (but kept the unit cost!) to have more influence in-game. Made certain/worthless units a lot cheaper and faster to build for example the Tleilaxu units, guild makers, etc.


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