Devil May Cry Critique - Still Worth Playing

Описание к видео Devil May Cry Critique - Still Worth Playing

This is a re-upload of the video I made on a previous channel, originally uploaded on January 7, 2021.

Taking a look at one of the most influential action games of all time. Devil May Cry still deserves to be played and remembered, despite the common opinion that it hasn't aged well. This video is an analysis of multiple aspects of the game, why some parts still hold up today, and which parts could have been improved.

This is my first video of this scale so I know it isn't the greatest. If you happen to have any feedback (or thoughts on the game yourself!), please do let me know.

Twitter:   / vgmatthew_  

21:14 - After watching footage back a few times, I don't think hitting both hitboxes is actually happening. It's just Helm Breaker getting boosted damage from using Air Hike. I think the point still partially stands since it's probably something you wouldn't notice until you've fought the boss
a few times, but either way I think I was mistaken.

26:56 - I think I was too disingenuous here for a couple reasons. First, I forgot to mention Mundus's meteor attack that he uses in the very same clip. This is his most interesting attack because the meteors fly at you in a semi-random fashion that (I think) tries to predict your movement. It requires that you be more proactive with your positioning and if all of his other attacks had a similar degree of complexity Mundus would have been a better boss. He can also use multiple attacks on you at once on higher difficulties (again, something he does in the same clip) which alleviates some problems with the boss. Dodging multiple attacks at once makes the fight more engaging since you're keeping track of so many things at once - I still don't think this phase is very good, but it's better than I made it sound.


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