Crafting a Composition: Demonstration

Описание к видео Crafting a Composition: Demonstration

Last week in my painting demonstration of Maine, someone asked me why I put the fishing shack in the middle of the painting. I hadn't really thought of it that way because I was intending to pull the viewer over to the right.

This week, I intentionally chose an image with the building in the center. It is of a church in Provence, France. Using contrasts, we can orchestrate how the viewer's eye will move on the picture plane exactly how we want it.

Painting demonstration of a landscape in Maine:    • Crop and Simplify for Drama: Demonstr...  

Painting demonstration of a still life pumpkin:    • Painting a Still Life: A Demonstration  

Painting demonstration of a field of wild flowers:    • Painting a Field of Wild Flowers. A D...  

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