Titus & Tate Off-Season Q&A | FULL EPISODE | Titus & Tate

Описание к видео Titus & Tate Off-Season Q&A | FULL EPISODE | Titus & Tate

Mark Titus & Tate Frazier answer your most burning college basketball (and... not college basketball) questions in this offseason edition of Titus & Tate. Come for which school Titus wouldn’t become the head coach for & stay for fake Quin Snyder and Brad Stevens to Duke scenarios.

#TitusAndTate #NCAA #QuinSnyder #BradStevens #MarkTitus #TateFrazier

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About Titus & Tate:
It’s cold outside, but inside, the action’s heating up on Titus & Tate! From the hoop states of Indiana and North Carolina, Mark Titus & Tate Frazier come together to bring you the latest on all things college basketball and beyond! From full episodes every Tuesday and Friday, to player interviews, live reactions and much, much more — become a Friend of the Program by subscribing to Titus & Tate!

Titus & Tate Off-Season Q&A | FULL EPISODE | Titus & Tate
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