the MAN-00X-2 Brawrello

Описание к видео the MAN-00X-2 Brawrello

The MAN-00X-2 Brawrello was a prototype machine designed as a mass production Newtype-use mobile armor using a remodeled Zakrello. In terms of weapons it mounted two giant wire-guided heat natas for cutting attacks. For heavy firepower, it was equipped with a scattering beam cannon, which was mounted in the 'mouth' of the mobile armor and a pair of 4-tube missile launchers on each side.

It is equipped with the Psycommu system for piloting the MA and controlling its weapons, which were two wire-guided mega particle guns attached behind the main body and the heat natas. During the One Year War, the researchers of the Flanagan Institute discover that Newtypes emit powerful thoughtwaves - similar to regular brainwaves, but not electrical in nature - which they call psycho-waves. The Flanagan Institute goes on to develop a mind-machine interface called the psycommu (psycho-communicator) system, which receives these thoughtwaves and translates them into computer commands. Using this interface a Newtype pilot can direct remote weapons, and operate huge mobile armors, by thought alone.
The completed unit was operated as a Psycommu training machine for pilots at the Flanagan Institute. Near the end of the war, the Brawrello was redeployed to the A Baoa Qu defense corps.

(source; Gundam Wiki, Gundam U.C. Engage)


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