14 Premed Questions Answered: Choosing Med Schools, MMI Prep, and More | Ask the Dean Ep. 14

Описание к видео 14 Premed Questions Answered: Choosing Med Schools, MMI Prep, and More | Ask the Dean Ep. 14

Mappd is back with episode FOURTEEN of Ask The Dean! Dr. Scott Wright and Dr. Ryan Gray answer questions about making a medical school list, preparing for MMI interviews, virtual shadowing, the role of luck in med school admissions, masters vs postbacs for grade enhancement, and more!

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This week, we cover the following topics:

0:00 Introduction
1:18 Do med schools put more weight on undergrad GPA, master's GPA, or MCAT?
7:44 Will med schools look less at MCAT now that Step 1 is pass/fail?
13:05 What happens behind the scenes when admissions committees meet?
22:46 How can you prepare for the MMI interview? (Multiple Mini Interview)
28:17 What if "estimated hours" on your submitted app are now wrong due to COVID?
29:53 Is virtual shadowing accepted as shadowing hours?
30:49 Is it a good idea to apply this cycle without an MCAT to schools that made it optional?
33:36 How much is medical school admissions based on luck?
40:04 If you have 17,000 hours of clinical experience, do you still need shadowing?
42:42 What is the best way to develop a medical school list?
49:38 How might COVID-19 impact next year's med school application cycle?
51:15 Can I apply next year if I have no clinical or shadowing hours yet?
57:33 With a 3.1 GPA, should you pursue a master's or grade enhancement postbac?
59:55 How many shadowing hours is "enough" if you have a lot of clinical experience?

Dr. Scott Wright has served as the Director of Admissions at UT Southwestern Medical School, Associate Dean at University of Texas at Dallas, and Executive Director of the Texas Medical and Dental Application Service (TMDAS)

Mappd is co-founded by Ryan Gray, MD and Rachel Grubbs. Dr. Gray is also the host of the Premed Years podcast and the author of the Premed Playbook series. Ms. Grubbs has been serving and advising premeds for 20 years at companies like The Princeton Review and Next Step Test Prep (now Blueprint MCAT).


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