Intensifying cropping in South Bangladesh and West Bengal, India

Описание к видео Intensifying cropping in South Bangladesh and West Bengal, India

This project aims to create opportunities for improving the land productivity and profitability, and for helping farmers to increase their incomes in Bangladesh and India.

The coastal zones of Bangladesh and West Bengal in India are home to millions of the world’s poorest and most vulnerable people, about 65% of whom live below the poverty line.

The people of the coastal zone depend mainly on agriculture, the productivity of which is low due to low-yielding, late-maturing, traditional varieties of rice during the wet season while much of the land lies fallow during the dry season.

Opportunities exist for intensification of cropping through efficient use and optimal management of fresh surface water and groundwater resources during the dry season, through improved polder water management, careful planning of the crop calendar, and improved agronomic practices that maximise water productivity.

Overall, to achieve the expected outcomes this project is focusing on sustainably increasing cropping intensity and productivity in the region, particularly in the dry season, through integrated soil, water and crop management.


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