Justin Bieber vs Selena Gomez (Celebrities in DC) | POPJUSTICE

Описание к видео Justin Bieber vs Selena Gomez (Celebrities in DC) | POPJUSTICE

Justin Bieber vs Selena Gomez as Superheroes! Justin's new album JUSTICE has Selena super jelly. The Disney starlet vs The Boy-Bieber. Justin Bieber was on and off in love with Selena Gomez, until Biebs married Hailey Baldwin. This cut Selena deep, and now she's here to seek revenge for the pain caused by the heart throb. Selena Gomez takes on the abilities of Batgirl and Justin is portrayed as Robin from the DCEU game Injustice. Needless to say, the Justice League movies would be fire with these 2 singers. It's Justin vs Bat Gomez in POPJUSTICE

►Watch Part 1 of Justin Bieber vs Selena Gomez:    • Justin Bieber vs Selena Gomez PART 2 ...  
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Selena Gomez Voice by: HALEY JAY   / haleyhylia  
Justin Bieber Voice by: BENJix    / benjixscarlett  
Other voices & Animation by: PopToonsTV

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#JustinBieber #SelenaGomez #DC


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