Dynamic Tasks in Airflow

Описание к видео Dynamic Tasks in Airflow

In this webinar, we provide an overview of the dynamic task mapping feature that was first introduced in Airflow 2.3 and expanded further in Airflow 2.4. Previously, tasks could only be generated dynamically at the time the DAG was parsed. Now, with dynamic task mapping, you can create tasks at runtime based on external criteria, without knowing in advance how many tasks you need.

The webinar, which reviews the basic functions of dynamic task mapping through pertinent use cases, answers questions like:

-What is the difference between static and dynamic tasks in Airflow?
-How do you implement dynamic task mapping?
-What are the benefits of dynamic task mapping?
-What is a dynamic DAG and how does it compare to a dynamic task?

All of the sample code shown in this webinar can be found in this repo. https://github.com/astronomer/webinar...


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