Ritual Beasts: Cross Sheep is AMAZING! (EDOPro Replay)

Описание к видео Ritual Beasts: Cross Sheep is AMAZING! (EDOPro Replay)

An EDOPro replay featuring Ritual Beasts vs Blue Eyes.

Post Game Analysis:
I could have played around the Evenly + Dark Ruler by summoning Protos and blind calling light. The easiest way to do this in Ritual Beasts is by attempting to destroy Ulti-Nochiudrago or Ulti-Gaiapelio while protecting with SBTL.

But blind calling light isn't really the optimal play for game 1. With the current meta, I would rather blind call dark or go Colossus instead.

My board ended up getting broken by Dark Ruler + Evenly. But on the crack back, I was able to bait out his omni negates for a Cross-Sheep line that saved the game. I don't think he would ever anticipate that we can reborn flag get a second search.

I slightly misplayed at 3:31. I forgot that I can't special summon 2x SBTL after light locking with Protos. It didn't matter because I already had the OTK.

For game 2, I tried holding ash for his searcher. I think my Nibiru timing could have also been better. I didn't think that he would make crimson dragon with the Nibiru Token.

He ends up building a board of 3 omni negates and then negates my Inheritance. So the only engine I have in my hand is SBTL. I end up doing some link plays to bait out his other omni negates while saving that last Bystial in hand for a Cross Sheep line that leads to full combo.

The cool thing about Bystials is that they turn SBTL or E-tele into a 1 card combo by link climbing with Relinquished Anima and Cross-Sheep.

0:00 Game 1
4:13 Game 2
6:44 Decklist

1. Tristam - Devotion
2. Unlike Pluto - Stay and Decay

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