Почему я рисую лица таким образом (Техники рисования лиц)

Описание к видео Почему я рисую лица таким образом (Техники рисования лиц)

This video is one of my YouTube membership videos.
I hope this video alone has been helpful.. 🤗
If you want more detailed and structured lessons, please refer to the information below.

Learn the Basics and More: Chommang's Art Class 🔥
Benefits of joining the YouTube Membership:
-Exclusive regular lessons on face drawing (including templates)
-Chommang's custom Procreate watercolor brushes
-Human anatomy drawing tutorials
-Community access

💡Here is the membership information for Chommang.
📌 Chommang's Exclusive Face Drawing Course
: This is the first course you should attend when you join my membership. It's a course about faces and also helps understand three-dimensional aspects.
   • Members-Only Regular Course on Face D...  

📌 Chommang's Exclusive Human Anatomy Drawing Course
: This course focuses on human anatomy drawing. Start learning from basic anatomy principles.
   • Membership-Only Body Drawing Lesson  

📌 Chommang's Drawing Routine
: It may not be easy to get used to just through theory and explanation. Develop the habit of drawing frequently with this video.
   • Drawing Routine with Chommang  

   / @chommang  

If YouTube membership isn't available, you can join Patreon for the same benefits. (However, Patreon only includes English subtitles).
  / chommang  

"Check the benefits for each level and join."
(You can join and cancel the YouTube membership at any time!!)

Additionally, I'll prepare many things to help you improve your drawing skills.
I hope everyone enjoys drawing. Let's all dive into the joy of learning!! :)

📌 My Custom Procreate Brush and texture.
https://chommangart.etsy.com/ (But you can download it by joining the membership)

💌Daily drawing on Instagram : @chommang

💡My Pinterest(Reference)


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