Chronic Constipation The starting point of Multiple Auto Immune Diseases

Описание к видео Chronic Constipation The starting point of Multiple Auto Immune Diseases

Constipation is one of the most pressing digestive issues with 16% of the global adult population dealing with this dreaded symptom.

Prolonged & chronic constipation is connected with onset & progression of multiple autoimmune diseases & cancer such as Hashimoto, Crohn's Disease, Lupus, Colon cancer & more

Have you ever wondered what makes you constipated ?

Yes- underlying cause is gut microbial dysbiosis

It all boils down to how your microbiome interacts with the food you eat. This interaction determines whether a food is going to give you nutrients or toxins

Some of the pro-inflammatory pathways your microbiome influence which can lead to Constipation

-Methane gas production-byproduct of microbial fermentation of methionine
Ammonia gas production byproduct of microbial fermentation of Arginine & & histidine as well as those of nitrate molecules found in various packaged foods
--Putrescine production-byproduct of microbial fermentation of polyamines
-LPS Production-endotoxin released when we consume high protein & high fat diet which feeds gram negative bacteria

38% Genefitletics customers found that they faced constipation due to methane gas production.

Rather than going for laxatives or probiotics to manage your constipation, probably you should pick up either Genefitletics UP THE GUT or VAGECO kit to decode what is making your develop constipation & what specific precision nutrition interventions can reverse it. More details here:


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