Warning signs of oral cancer - Dr. Shyam Padmanabhan

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Oral cancers can occur in any part of the oral cavity. This could include the lips, the tongue, the throat, the pharynx, the larynx, salivary glands or even the maxillary sinuses. Now early detection is mandatory for a favourable prognosis, now for this, there are certain signs and symptoms which we need to look out for. One, we should look out for any signs of red or white lesions in the oral cavity. Next we look out for sores, any swelling, patches, elevated patches in any part of the oral cavity. For throat cancer you can also look at an inability to swallow, or like say an object is stuck in your throat. There maybe a numbness, or tingling sensation, or there could be tenderness in any part of the oral cavity. In later stages there could be inability to chew, swallow, speech also could be hampered. Those cancers which are related more to the tooth, here you may find that your teeth maybe mobile. There is no periodontal disease involvement in this.


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