How to Install Ceiling Fan Attaching Extension Rod for Dummies

Описание к видео How to Install Ceiling Fan Attaching Extension Rod for Dummies

How to install ceiling fan attaching extension rod for dummies is what this DIY howto video is about. VideoJoe is getting ready to attach the extension rod to a ceiling fan & he wants you to pay special attention to what he will be showing you as the ceiling fan extension rod needs to be installed to the ceiling fan motor securely for sure. If you get this portion of the ceiling fan install installed incorrectly then the extension rod may make the ceiling fan sway or wobble when you get done with the entire ceiling fan installation. Does VideoJoe install ceiling fans all the time?...only when he has to & I tell you what, every time I have seen VideoJoe install a ceiling fan it always looks like a ceiling fan professional installed it for sure. I am only saying that to let you know if VideoJoe (an average Joe) can install a ceiling fan then YOU can install a ceiling fan too. Watch & learn as VideoJoeShows you what to install ceiling fan attaching extension rod for dummies.
   / videojoeknows
#ceilingfaninstallation #ceilingfan #ceilingfanrepair #ceilingfanconnection #ceilingfans #ceilingfanwobble


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