The Mi'kmaq Origin Story/Ktaqmkuk as told by Michelle Bennett at Port au Port Peninsula

Описание к видео The Mi'kmaq Origin Story/Ktaqmkuk as told by Michelle Bennett at Port au Port Peninsula

The Mi'kmaq Origin Story has been passed on orally throughout time. It was passed on generation to generation.

The story talks about how the first Mi'kmaq people were created and about important teachings. It is for that reason it makes it timeless because it still applies and being told throughout mi'kma'ki.

The Mi'kmaq Origin story is important to me and our people. it tells us how we were created and of the balance between nature and the animals. Also why and how we do the ceremonies.

For me this origin story makes sense of how we all were created. And why it's important to learn about where we are from and how to respect it.

There are hundres of stories told about the first Mi'kmaq human kluskap.
Kluskaps creation happened in Newfoundland. But the stories told about him takes also place all over Mi'kma'ki. The stories told often take hours, sometimes days.

If one really listen to the origin story and look at it with open eyes. One will see it really makes sense.


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