Micro-Air EasyStart HVAC Condenser Install and Demonstration

Описание к видео Micro-Air EasyStart HVAC Condenser Install and Demonstration

I have a 5-ton HVAC that won't start with my Kohler 18RESL generator, and I wanted to try out one of the "Soft Start" solutions on the market. I did a lot of research, and I settled on the Micro-Air EasyStart.

I was so pleased with the ease of installation (well-supported by Hutch Mountain) and the results of this install, I wanted to share the excitement.

And, YES, my Kohler 18RESL doesn't seem to notice when the HVAC turns on now. Before, the generator would bottom-out, and the HVAC fan would be the only thing left running. NOW, it the HVAC starts (using the EasyStart) the compressor *after* the fan, and it uses its learning to determine just how much current is needed. Right now, it's averaging ~32 amps -- a far cry from the 134 needed before the EasyStart!

This video IS NOT a paid promotion for the EasyStart or Hutch Mountain. It is simply my experience installing and using the EasyStart.


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