Simple Centrifuge

Описание к видео Simple Centrifuge

You must have played with this toy. By changing tension on the string, the disc can be rotated at high speeds. I used a similar mechanism to build a centrifuge. For Traditional centrifuge like the ones used in laboratories, speeds vary from 10 thousand to seventy thousand revolutions per minute .

You can use muddy water from the pond or you can create your own with some soil around you.

We will take two plastic bottles. Caps are attached with nuts and bolts. Each bottle is filled with muddy water. Two bottles are used to ensure balancing of forces when spinning.When rotated at high speeds, sediments in the water are collected at the bottom.

Similar mechanism can be built with the help of a wooden base, cycle spoke and plastic bottle. This arrangement ensures that samples can be attached and removed very easily.

Let us understand why sediments are collected near the bottom.

This glass contains sediments of different sizes. These will settle down eventually. But it will take a very long time, maybe days. To speed up this process, we need some force which will take these particles to the bottom very fast. This can be achieved by spinning.

Buttermilk making process, washing machines work on the same principle.

I tried these variations as well but was not very successful. I also could not decide the maximum RPM this arrangement can generate. Can you help ?

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