Hardstyle Fun With Access Virus TI2 & DSP56300 Ostirus

Описание к видео Hardstyle Fun With Access Virus TI2 & DSP56300 Ostirus

I thought I'd try out the Ostirus by messing around a bit with some of my classic Hardstyle presets that I made with the TI2. It sounds fantastic and this is pretty much a dream come true.

It really says something when a bunch of coders/developers cares more about the Virus series than Access themselves do. Many thanks to the developers behind this project for this outstanding work!

Before you ask:

Where did you get Ostirus? - I donated 30€ to the developers back in February 2022. I sent a discord message recently and I was granted vip access. I think you need to donate a minimum 20 GBP (or the same equivalent in EUR/USD) in order to get vip access. It will eventually become public just like Osirus, but if you want to try it out now then you've to donate.

Where did you find the ROM? - Google is your friend, seek and you shall find.

Where can I find the presets used in the video? - Nowhere, these are my own custom made presets.

Are your presets for sale? - No.


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