Learn Spanish: Going to the doctor

Описание к видео Learn Spanish: Going to the doctor

Learn to express what you feel when you are sick in Spanish. When you are feeling under the weather, you have symptoms that you need to say to your family doctor. I will teach you how to say your symptoms in Spanish, how to express them to your physician, how to get your meds, and some polite words to tell people who are sick. So, for example, you will learn to say my body aches, my throat is itchy, and so on, but you will also learn to say verbs such as to blow your nose, to sneeze, to say bless you, and finally, to say get well soon, or I hope you are feeling better. I will teach you a lot of Spanish nouns related to the general malaise we feel when we are sick, many Spanish verbs to talk about the actions we perform when we are sick, and multiple ways to express your symptoms to your physician. We will also cover some cultural aspects related to illnesses in Spanish, to general check-ups, to interaction with doctors and a lot more.

In this list, you will find some of the vocabulary you will learn in this lesson:

My body aches – Tengo el cuerpo cortado, literally, I have my body cut.
I have a sore throat – Tengo dolor de garganta.
I have a runny nose – Tengo gripa.
I have a cough – Tengo tos.
I have fever – Tengo fiebre.
I have very high fever – Tengo una fiebre muy alta.
I have a headache – Me duele la cabeza.
I feel weak – Me siento débil.
I do not feel well – Me siento mal. No me siento bien.
I have not been feeling well – Me he sentido mal, No me he sentido bien.
I think a have a cold – Creo que tengo un resfriado
I think I have the flu – Creo que tengo influenza.
I think I have dengue – Creo que tengo dengue (do not pronounce the u.)
I think I have covid-19 – Creo que tengo Covid-19
I had a flu, a cold, dengue, covid, etc., – Me dio influenza, un resfriado, covid, etc.

Physician – el médico, el doctor, la doctora
Nurse – la enfermera, el enfermero
doctor’s office – el consultorio
prescription – la receta
drugstore – la farmacia
meds – los medicamentos
medicine – la medicina
cough syrup – el jarabe para la tos
pills – las pastillas
pain killers – las pastillas para el dolor, un analgésico

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Gracias and do not forget that topics such as Spanish alphabet, Spanish sounds and pronunciation, Spanish vocabulary, Spanish verbs, and Spanish tenses like past vs imperfect in Spanish, and more complicated Spanish topics like direct and indirect objects in Spanish can be found at Butterfly Spanish. Browse my channel and see what you need to learn. I make my videos with love, care, and knowledge, and my goal is that what you did not know yesterday you know today, that what you thought was complicated, is not, and that you know much more Spanish today after watching my videos, and that they make you feel more confident and positive:    / butterflyspanish  

Gracias y saludos,
Ana :))


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