Hi-Viz Compsight Lightwave Sight

Описание к видео Hi-Viz Compsight Lightwave Sight

Scott Steiert of Hi-Viz talks about what is on his shotgun Fit your favorite shotgun with the new COMPSIGHT® LITEWAVE® sight. COMPSIGHT® is THE standard in high performance shotgun bead replacements, and fits all shotgun ribs with threaded beads. The new innovative LITEWAVE® design offers increased durability with the brightness and integral LitePipe locking, replacement system that HIVIZ® is known for.

All-steel construction, 1” X ¼” sight base
Includes green, red, and white LitePipes
Includes mounting screws in five thread sizes to fit all ribbed shotguns

Yamaha’s Whitetail Diaries provides the stories about deer hunting from across the nation that showcase North America’s most sought after animal the Whitetail Deer. In every episode or video clip you’ll be treated to a great story, how to information as well as insight on deer hunting.
This program produced by CarecoTV and hosted by Wade Middleton has been on television for nearly a decade with every episode showcasing how to go deer hunting, exciting hunting action, stories about deer, conservation messages and much more.
For more information on this program visit www.whitetaildiaries.com or www.carecotv.com


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